Beauty Therapies
Ayurvedic Beauty Therapy
According to Ayurveda, outer beauty is a direct reflection of our inner wellbeing.The more we take care of our health, the more beautiful we become. To put it differently, beauty is the proper circulation of vital life fluids and the regular discharge of waste materials.
Our Ayurvedic Beauty Therapy uses the benefits of facial massage to activate deep points in the brain, to improve facial circulation and to soothe the body. The facial massage relieves tension in the neck, shoulders and face so that the energy is circulated from head to toe.
Glowing skin is an indicator of good health. This facial beauty treatment uses ayurvedic herbal products devoid of any chemicals thats helps one improve one’s complexion and keep those wrinkles at bay.
Duration: 45 minutes – 2 therapists
The Padashubhakari is a simple herbal foot rejuvenation treatment that is performed using various herbal pastes and creams.
Duration: 45 minutes – 2 therapists
The nerves ends in the hand are enlivened by this ayurvedic herbal hand treatment that is performed by using various herbal pastes, decoctions and cream.